Foundation Open Forum 30th October
by 52 Weeks of Art
As a part of the recent setting up of a new Foundation for the arts in Lichfield, we are inviting artists, those involved in the arts in the broader sense and residents alike to join those involved in setting up the Foundation in an informal open discussion forum on the 30th October.
On the 30th October at the Guildhall members of the Foundation will be holding an informal open forum to enter into discussios about the future of the arts in Lichfield. This will be an initial opportunity to discuss where the Foundation will invest its energies over the coming years as well what and or how individuals can become involved or indeed would like the foundation to support you.
Subjects likely to emerge with be the requirements of space to display art in the City and the development of the City into a major cultural centre.
This will be an informal discussion between 1.30-3pm on Saturday the 30th October at the Guildhall in Lichfield. The discussion forum is a part of the wider activities on the day called – Performance Art Day, which will see open public art workshops and performances in the Guildhall and around the city and a spectacular light show on the Cathedral.