52 Weeks of Art Residency
by 52 Weeks of Art
Shortlisting will begin this week to decide on the artist to undertake the residency opportunity in 2010. This will be the first commissioned residency in the project and offers an excellent opportunity for an artist to embrace the space provided and opportunity to integrate with the student base at South Stafforshire College. The residency will take place in February 2010 with an exhibition thereafter. Details about the chosen artist will be published soon.
Posters on Display
by 52 Weeks of Art
Images of the first three public art posters on display at St John's House.

Students design posters
by 52 Weeks of Art
Students from Nether Stowe High school and South Staffordshire College have been charged with the task of developing posters for the ongoing public art poster campaign. The results of their work and the selected designs will be seen in the new year.
Freedom of Speech at Speakers Corner
by 52 Weeks of Art
A new two part sculptural artwork will be featured at Lichfields speaker corner in May 2010. It will be the result of art workshops and an open invitation to take part in an exhibition in 2010. More soon
Sue Challis Radio Interview
by 52 Weeks of Art
Sue Challis interviewed on Radio WM about her forthcoming collaborative artpiece in North Lichfield. The project which will begin in 2010 will look to work with individuals within the community in the production of a unique audio record relating to their lives. The resulting artwork will be relayed in short radio clips during 2010 and exhibited in Lichfield. More Soon